Natural Reserve Volcan Azul
Dobbelt fermented Caturra

Dark Chocolate. Papaya. Melasse / Dark Rom Sweetness

130 kr

Caturra – A Silky and Balanced Coffee

The Caturra variety is celebrated for its silky-smooth chocolatey aftertaste and its well-balanced cup profile that avoids excessive acidity. It offers a harmonious experience that is both rich and approachable, making it a favorite for many coffee lovers.

A Unique Fermentation Process

What sets this coffee apart is its two-stage fermentation process, an uncommon method that enhances its complexity:

  1. Initial Fermentation on Drying Patios:

    • The coffee undergoes its first stage of fermentation outdoors on drying patios, allowing the cherries to begin developing their flavor characteristics naturally.
  2. Second Fermentation in Small Silos:

    • Afterward, the coffee is transferred to small silos placed above tumbler drying machines, where fermentation continues in a controlled environment.

This innovative approach contributes to the coffee's complex flavor profile, preserving its signature chocolatey richness while introducing a rounded, fermented plum note that adds depth and intrigue.

The Result – A Coffee of Exceptional Character

The combination of the Caturra variety’s natural balance and the unique two-stage fermentation process delivers a cup that is:

  • Silky smooth,
  • Richly chocolatey,
  • And subtly enhanced with a fermented fruitiness, adding layers of complexity.

This coffee provides an extraordinary experience for those who appreciate a cup that is both classic and innovative, showcasing the mastery of processing techniques to elevate its inherent qualities

Variety 100 % Arabica Caturra 
Processing Dobbelt fermented
Land/Region Costa Rica/West Valley
Farmer Alejo Castro
Altitude 1600-1650 masl
Cupping Score 91
Roast Master, Quality cupper & Barista Søren Stiller Markussen.

Kaffer fra Latinamerika: Karakteristika og espresso-tips

Kaffer fra Latinamerika er generelt meget nemme at arbejde med. De dyrkes typisk i højder mellem 1400-1700 meter, hvor den cellulære struktur er mere ensartet, hvilket gør det lettere at kalibrere, når du skal indstille din espresso.

Ved disse højder kræves der kun få justeringer under brygningsprocessen. Dog findes der sjældne kaffer fra Costa Rica, som dyrkes i højere højder på 1900-2100 meter.

Højde og kværning

Som tommelfingerregel:

  • Jo højere højde = grovere kværningsgrad.
    • Den cellulære struktur er tættere i kaffer dyrket i større højder, hvilket kræver kortere kontakttid med vand for optimal ekstraktion.
    • For disse højlandskaffer anbefaler jeg en kortere ekstraktionstid på 19-21 sekunder.

Dog er der ingen regler uden undtagelser! Kaffer, der er anaerobt forarbejdet eller karbonisk macereret, følger ofte de samme principper, men kan kræve unikke justeringer.


  • Latinamerikanske kaffer, især dem med komplekse forarbejdningsmetoder, kan ekstrakteres mellem 19 og 31 sekunder og stadig bevare en harmonisk og balanceret smag.
  • Fokusér på at fremhæve kaffens naturlige sødme og opnå en medium til lav syrlighed.

Costaricanske kaffer

Costaricanske kaffer, der er kendt for deres lette og silke agtige profil, har en delikat struktur og en balanceret taktil vægt. For disse kaffer:

  • Stræb efter en taktil balance med medium til lav vægt.
  • Fremhæv kaffens naturlige sødme, samtidig med at du sikrer en glat og raffineret eftersmag.

Ved at justere kværningsgraden og ekstraktionstiden baseret på højden og forarbejdningsmetoderne kan du få det bedste frem i disse fremragende kaffer fra Latinamerika.


Dose 21 g dobb shot
Extraction 26-29 sek
Target mass in weight/liguid 38 g.
Extraction rate 21/38= 0,52%

The dose is calculated using a 20g VST porta filter.

Min dose is 19g/ and Max dose 21 g. pr dobb espresso.    

This coffee is ideal to brew on Siphon, Chemex, Hario, Stagg fellow and December dripper Brew/ratio mass depends on how you pour the water, the weight of your coffee and the length of your brew. I like to recommend that you try to use different pouring techniques. So you will find out what will suit you and the coffee you have in your hands.

Step 1

Prefinfusion = Using water to wet the coffee, so the particle can absorb water, giving access to flavour and aromas. As a rule when you use less coffee, less water is used to preinfusion. "just enough to cover the coffee in the filter".

Step 2

Blooming = this is where the coffee particles is expanding, as any cellular products, giving access to transform the coffee attributes in to flavours and aromas. As a genius = less coffee/shorter blooming time. More Coffee/longer blooming time = that make sense right? Ie. 33 g of coffee = 30 sec blooming time. 60 g of coffee = 50-60 sec blooming time.

Step 3

Building up your coffee in the filter = you coffee brewing times length and letting you coffee steep in the filter. Coffee needs to be handled firm and homogenises.

Ie. Dont let your coffee set/sit or "dry out in the filter" when you pour the water in your coffee filter. Vise versa, you have to be careful, that you don't pour too much water, so you create a "swimming pool" on top of the coffee in the filter. The coffee should have a smooth "run through" contact time with water. You can find inspiration on brew guides