Vistiting the farms

Our finest selection

Ever-since my first roast, I have enjoyed working closely with the producer developing coffees that is outstanding. Our selection of coffee is a reflection of what terroir represents in wine - highlighting the attributes in each variety working with different processing methods.    

I love to experiment with coffee pushing the boundaries - that contributes to a better understanding of coffee.

This is one of the reasons I keep competing - reminding myself we have a unique opportunity to represent the best we can do. 

Santa Petrona, Federico Pacas

Since 2012, I have worked together with the Pacas Family, from El Salvador. Every year, when I travel to Central America I always cup my coffees at Finca Santa Petrona. The Pacas family produces some of the most thorough, rounded, interesting coffee beans in the word – in my humble opinion.

Every yearthe coffee is consistently good. “a result of a 6th generation craftsmanship and an intense 5 year collaboration with Great Coffee”.
The work with Federico pacas in every stage of the process has allowed us to experiment and create so many unique coffees with a superb core, respecting the characteristic
– the terroir of the coffee.

In 2014 & 2015, I won the Danish Championship with Federicos coffees.

Volcán Azul, Alejo Castro

The family produces one of the best pure coffees of the world with its Brand “F.C.J. Volcan Azul” on the slopes of the Poás Volcano in Costa Rica. Today, the production process starts with the planting of the coffee trees on highly fertile volcanic soil above 1200 meters above sea level (SHB).

It continues with a meticulous process at the coffee mill and finally ends with a strict preparation of theexport qualities. By handling small batches that come exclusively from their plantations they are able to achieve a high degree of traceability for each one of the micro-lots they process.

There are particular micro-climates where our plantations are located, partlydue to the large extensions of rainforest they preserve, which contribute to making their coffee grains unique.

From this farm I purchase 14 different varieties – simply to showcase their excellent coffees. In 2018, I won the Danish Brewers Championship with Alejo Castro ́s coffee. In 2020, I was placed No 3 brewing a cold coffee. And with this coffee winning the Danish Championship 2022.