Natural Reserve Volcan Azul
Natural Caturra

Smooth velvety & balanced sweetness and low acidity.

115 kr


The Caturra variety is renowned for its smooth, chocolatey aftertaste. It offers a beautifully balanced cup profile with minimal acidity, making it an approachable and versatile coffee.

  1. Flavor Profile:
    The natural fermentation process, where the cherry skin is retained during drying, enhances the chocolate notes and adds a "fruit-chocolate bar" flavor with hints of cherry. This unique combination creates a rich and indulgent taste experience.

  2. Versatility:
    Caturra is highly recommended for both espresso and filter coffee, showcasing its adaptability and ability to deliver exceptional flavors across brewing methods.

  3. History and Spread:
    Discovered in Brazil around 1915 in the state of Minas Gerais, Caturra made its way to Guatemala in the 1940s. From there, it quickly spread to Costa Rica, Honduras, and Panama via Guatemalan ports. Its popularity grew rapidly in Central America due to its economic benefits, including high yields and adaptability to diverse climates.

  4. Modern Relevance:
    Today, Caturra is one of the most widely cultivated varieties in the region. It is cherished for its reliable quality and the distinctive flavor profile it offers—a coffee with a rich history and exceptional character, suitable for both everyday enjoyment and special occasions.

Caturra remains a testament to the fusion of agricultural ingenuity and flavor artistry, making it a favorite among coffee lovers worldwide.

Variety 100 % Arabica Caturra
Processing Natural Processed
Land/Region Costa Rica/West Valley
Farmer Alejo Castro
Altitude 1600-1650 masl
Cupping Score 90
Roast Master, Quality cupper & Barista Søren Stiller Markussen.

As a general rule you should dial in your espresso using a scale. The first three shots is normally indicating your espresso flow and the appearance of how well your espresso flow/brew.

Your first indicator should be the first drop appearing after activating starting the water flow (pump/bottom).

I recommend the first drop to appear approx. at 8-10 sec. In that way your espressoshot will brew as long a 26-31 sec. if it appears before 6 sec. I will recommend you should grind finer and vise versa if the first drop appears too late/after 11 sec or more.
This extraction will give you a more ristrettoét espresso and more intens.

Dose 21 g dobb shot
Extraction time 27-29 sek
Liguid mass 38 g.
Extraction rate  21/38= 0,55%

The dose is calculated using a 20g porta filter min. dose 19g/ max. dose 21 g. pr double espresso.

Bryggeguide til Chemex, Hario, Stagg Fellow og December Dripper

Denne kaffe er ideel til manuelle bryggemetoder som Chemex, Hario V60, Stagg Fellow og December Dripper.

Bryggeforholdet og den samlede mængde afhænger af, hvordan du hælder vandet, kaffemængden og bryggetiden. Jeg anbefaler, at du eksperimenterer med forskellige hældeteknikker for at finde ud af, hvad der passer bedst til den kaffe, du brygger.

Trin 1: Præ-infusion

Præinfusion er processen, hvor kaffens partikler vædes, så de kan absorbere vand og frigive smag og aroma.

  • Brug kun nok vand til lige at dække kaffen i filteret.
  • Generelt gælder det, at mindre kaffe kræver mindre vand til præinfusion. Målet er at forberede kaffen til optimal ekstraktion.

Trin 2: Blooming

Under blooming udvider kaffepartiklerne sig, frigiver gasser og gør kaffens egenskaber klar til ekstraktion.

  • Tip: Mindre kaffe = kortere bloomingtid. Mere kaffe = længere bloomingtid.
  • Eksempler:
    • 33 g kaffe → 30 sekunders bloomingtid
    • 60 g kaffe → 50-60 sekunders bloomingtid

Denne fase er afgørende for at få kaffens smag og aromaer frem.

Trin 3: Opbygning af brygget

Dette trin handler om at styre bryggetiden og kontakten mellem vand og kaffe i filteret. Sådan gør du:

  1. Undgå at kaffen tørrer ud: Sørg for, at kaffelaget forbliver vådt ved at hælde vandet jævnt og regelmæssigt. Hvis kaffen tørrer ud, kan det føre til ujævn ekstraktion.
  2. Undgå overmætning: Vær forsigtig med ikke at hælde for meget vand, så du skaber en "svømmebassin"-effekt oven på kaffelaget.
  3. Fokus på jævn gennemløb: Vandet skal løbe igennem kaffen i et jævnt og stabilt tempo for at sikre en ensartet ekstraktion og optimal smag.

Eksperimentér og find inspiration:
Hver kaffe har sine egne unikke egenskaber, så det er vigtigt at eksperimentere med hældeteknikker og timing. Justér og finpuds din proces ud fra den kaffe, du brygger. Du kan også finde yderligere tips i bryggevejledninger for de specifikke metoder.