Natural Reserve Volcan Azul
Anerobe Caturra/Geisha & Gin

475 kr

In the development of this gin-based coffee liqueur, we´ve had an inspiring play with the renowned and rewarded Danish coffee nerd and roaster Søren Stiller in our liquid gastronomy laboratory. Our goal was to achieve a full-bodied, complex and smooth symbiosis between our gin and Søren´s uncompromising coffee. We believe to have obtained that by distilling an extra intense edition of "Sun And Citrus" to match the explosive and fruity aromas from the precious Caturra beans soaked in Gesha Mucilage from Poás Volcano, Costa Rica, developed and roasted by Stiller.

By extracting the beans in a crisp and warm alcohol base and by cold brewing coffee from the same beans, we have obtained and unified a delicious liquid of gin and coffee and balanced it with a bit of cane sugar. Enjoy it neat, with or without ice and an orange peel, or as an elegantly bitter fruity take on a G&T.


Variety 100 % Arabica Caturra
Processing Anerobe process with Geisha mucilage
Land/Region Costa Rica/West Valley
Farmer Alejo Castro
Altitude 1497 masl for Caturra and 1551 for Geisha
Cupping Score 94
Roast Master, Quality cupper & Barista Søren Stiller Markussen.