Direct Relationship, Santa Petrona
Wet fermentation pacamara

Choc. marcipan. sweet tobac. vanilla

115 kr

Pacamara – A Unique Coffee Experience

If you're a fan of washed coffees, this might be the coffee of your dreams. It embodies a classic, rounded character with a deep, lingering aftertaste that is never overly bitter. This coffee is precisely what I would describe as balanced perfection.

Pacamara – A Hybrid Like No Other

This coffee comes from the Pacamara variety, a hybrid of Pacas and Maragogype. What makes this variety particularly special is that the Pacas family themselves developed the Pacas variety, creating a unique legacy. The combination of these two varieties results in a coffee that strikes an exceptional balance between sweetness, body, and complexity.

Masters of Fermentation

The Pacas family is widely regarded as some of the world's best experts in fermenting the Pacamara variety. Their expertise and dedication to perfecting the fermentation process ensure consistently high quality and complex flavor nuances in every cup.

In fact, this very variety helped me secure a 5th place finish in the finals at the 2010 World Barista Championship.

Processing Methods and Flavor Profiles

At their farm, the Pacas family offers three distinct processing methods, each providing a unique flavor experience:

  1. Washed Process:

    • Sweet, clean acidity.
    • A long, pure aftertaste.
    • Ideal for those who enjoy clarity and balance.
  2. Honey Process:

    • Sweet, with reduced acidity.
    • A velvety, smooth mouthfeel.
    • Perfect for lovers of rich and balanced coffees.
  3. Natural Process:

    • Intense body.
    • Fruity, bold flavors.
    • A long-lasting, flavorful aftertaste.

These processing methods bring out different dimensions of the Pacamara variety, making it suitable for both espresso and filter coffee. The versatility ensures a consistently smooth and enjoyable experience regardless of the brewing method. For filter coffee enthusiasts seeking balance without excessive acidity, this coffee is an outstanding choice.

A Proud Tradition

With five generations of coffee-growing experience, the Pacas family has continuously refined and elevated the quality of their coffee through innovative processing techniques. Their dedication to tradition, paired with their relentless pursuit of excellence, makes this coffee a true testament to their craft.

If you're looking for a coffee that combines complexity and balance with a clean, deep flavor experience, this Pacamara variety is the perfect choice—a coffee that represents both the art and science of coffee cultivation.

Variety 100 % Arabica pacamara
Processing Washed process
Land/Region El Salvador/Santa Ana
Farmer Federico Pacas
Altitude 1600-1700 masl
Cupping Score 87
Roast Master, Quality cupper & Barista Søren Stiller Markussen.

As a general rule you should dial in your espresso using a scale. The first three shots is normally indicating your espresso flow and the appearance of how well your espresso flow/brew.

Your first indicator should be the first drop appearing after activating starting the water flow (pump/bottom).

I recommend the first drop to appear approx. at 8-10 sec. In that way your espressoshot will brew as long a 26-31 sec. if it appears before 6 sec. I will recommend you should grind finer and vise versa if the first drop appears too late/after 11 sec or more.
This extraction will give you a more ristrettoét espresso and more intens.

Dose 21 g dobb shot
Extraction time 27-29 sek
Liguid mass 38 g.
Extraction rate  21/38= 0,55%

The dose is calculated using a 20g porta filter min. dose 19g/ max. dose 21 g. pr double espresso.


Fremhæv syrlighed med Hario og December Dripper

Denne kaffe er ideel til brygning med enten Hario V60 eller December Dripper, da begge metoder fremhæver kaffens naturlige syrlighed.

Bryggeforhold og den samlede mængde afhænger af faktorer som hældeteknik, kaffemængde og bryggetid. Jeg vil selvfølgelig opfordre dig til at eksperimentere med forskellige hældeteknikker for at finde den perfekte balance, der passer til både dig og kaffen.

Trin-for-trin bryggeinstruktioner

Trin 1: Præinfusion
Præinfusion er det første trin, hvor du væder kaffebønnerne, så de kan absorbere vand. Denne proces begynder at frigive kaffens smage og aromaer.

  • Brug kun nok vand til at mætte kaffebønnerne i filteret.
  • Tip: Mængden af vand til præinfusion afhænger af, hvor meget kaffe du bruger. Mindre kaffe = mindre vand til præinfusion.

Tænk på præinfusion som en måde at “aktivere” kaffen på—målet er en jævn og fuld mætning.

Trin 2: Blooming
Blooming er den fase, hvor kaffepartiklerne udvider sig, mens gasser (som CO₂) frigives. Dette forbereder kaffen til en ordentlig ekstraktion, og smage og aromaer begynder at udvikle sig.

  • Retningslinje:
    • Mindre kaffe → Kortere bloomingtid.
    • Mere kaffe → Længere bloomingtid.
  • Eksempler:
    • 33 g kaffe → 30 sekunders bloomingtid.
    • 60 g kaffe → 50-60 sekunders bloomingtid.

Denne fase er afgørende for at opnå en balanceret kop, da den skaber fundamentet for bryggeprocessen.

Trin 3: Opbygning af brygget
Dette trin handler om at kontrollere bryggetiden og sikre, at kaffen interagerer jævnt med vandet.

  • Vigtige tips:
    • Undgå at lade kaffen tørre ud i filteret mellem hældningerne—det kan føre til ujævn ekstraktion.
    • På den anden side, undgå at hælde så meget vand, at du skaber en “svømmepøl” oven på kaffelaget.

Målet er at opretholde et jævnt og stabilt flow af vand gennem kaffebønnerne, så kontakttiden bliver ensartet for en balanceret ekstraktion.

Nyttigt tip: Kaffen skal “løbe igennem” jævnt—hverken for hurtigt eller for langsomt. Balancen her er nøglen til at få de bedste smagsnuancer frem.

Eksperimentér og find inspiration

Hver kaffe er unik, og det samme gælder din bryggeoplevelse. Prøv at eksperimentere med følgende for at forfine dit bryg:

  • Justér hældehastighed og mønster (cirkulært, spiral eller centreret hældning).
  • Leg med forskellige kværningsgrader for at se, hvordan det påvirker flowet og ekstraktionen.

For yderligere vejledning kan du kigge på detaljerede bryggeguider til din valgte bryggemetode på min youtube kanal og med Decemberdripper