#12 Panama

Washed caturra/catuai
Milk choch. brown sugar. bergamotte
Baru Black Mountain Farm
Baru Black Mountain, located in the Chiriquí province of northern Panama, is an exceptional coffee farm renowned for its ideal conditions for producing high-quality coffee. Nestled near the UNESCO World Heritage Site, La Amistad International Park, and just west of Panama’s highest peak, Volcán Barú, which rises to 3,800 meters above sea level, the farm benefits from a unique microclimate and nutrient-rich volcanic soil that define the distinct character of its coffee.
Geographical and Environmental Advantages
Situated at an altitude of 1,350 to 1,500 meters, midway between the towns of Volcán and Río Sereno, Baru Black Mountain enjoys cooler temperatures and slower coffee cherry maturation. This slower ripening enhances the beans’ flavor complexity. The farm’s location in mineral-rich volcanic soil, combined with natural shade from ancient trees and abundant water sources, creates optimal conditions for coffee cultivation.
Sustainable Practices
Baru Black Mountain is committed to eco-friendly farming practices. The farm utilizes water from local streams for washing coffee cherries, minimizing environmental impact. Furthermore, the farm places a strong emphasis on social responsibility, supporting workers and their families by providing access to healthcare and education.
Innovation and Development
In 2017, the farm partnered with an agricultural engineer to explore innovative processing methods, such as natural and honey processes. These techniques, previously unused on the farm, aim to enhance the quality and unique attributes of their coffee, elevating its profile on the international stage.
A Model for Sustainable Coffee Farming
Baru Black Mountain is a shining example of sustainable coffee farming, blending environmental stewardship, social care, and a relentless pursuit of exceptional coffee quality. The farm’s dedication to innovation and sustainability positions it as a leader in the global coffee industry, producing a cup of coffee that reflects its rich heritage, ideal environment, and pioneering spirit.
Variety | 100 % Arabica caturra/catuai |
Processing | wet process |
Land/Region | Panama / Baru |
Farmer |
Pedro Rodriguez Escribano |
Altitude | 1600-1700 MASL / Meter above sea level |
Cupping Score | 88 |
Roast Master, Quality cupper & Barista | Søren Stiller Markussen. |
Coffees from Latin America is usually very easy to handle. As they are grown at altitudes from 1400-1700m. The cellular structure is more uniform and makes it easier to calibrate when dailing in your espresso shot.
At this altitude the cellular structure is uniform. And very little adjustments have to be made. The challenge often appears during the process method, whether is an anaerobe or natural coffee. And whether you want to highlight acidy or sweetness based on the process method.
A washed coffee is usually more chocolaty which i will recommend extrating at 27-29 sec.
I usually extract between 25-27 sec but it also excellent when extrating at 27-29 sec.
Dose | 21 g dobb shot |
Extraction | 26-29 sek |
Target mass in weight/liguid | 40 g. |
Extraction rate | 21/40= 0,52% |
The dose is calculated using a 20g VST porta filter.
Min dose is 19g/ and Max dose 21 g. pr dobb espresso.
Fremhæv syrlighed med Hario og December Dripper
Denne kaffe er ideel til brygning med enten Hario V60 eller December Dripper, da begge metoder fremhæver kaffens naturlige syrlighed.
Bryggeforhold og den samlede mængde afhænger af faktorer som hældeteknik, kaffemængde og bryggetid. Jeg vil selvfølgelig opfordre dig til at eksperimentere med forskellige hældeteknikker for at finde den perfekte balance, der passer til både dig og kaffen.
Trin-for-trin bryggeinstruktioner
Trin 1: Præinfusion
Præinfusion er det første trin, hvor du væder kaffebønnerne, så de kan absorbere vand. Denne proces begynder at frigive kaffens smage og aromaer.
- Brug kun nok vand til at mætte kaffebønnerne i filteret.
- Tip: Mængden af vand til præinfusion afhænger af, hvor meget kaffe du bruger. Mindre kaffe = mindre vand til præinfusion.
Tænk på præinfusion som en måde at “aktivere” kaffen på—målet er en jævn og fuld mætning.
Trin 2: Blooming
Blooming er den fase, hvor kaffepartiklerne udvider sig, mens gasser (som CO₂) frigives. Dette forbereder kaffen til en ordentlig ekstraktion, og smage og aromaer begynder at udvikle sig.
- Mindre kaffe → Kortere bloomingtid.
- Mere kaffe → Længere bloomingtid.
- Eksempler:
- 33 g kaffe → 30 sekunders bloomingtid.
- 60 g kaffe → 50-60 sekunders bloomingtid.
Denne fase er afgørende for at opnå en balanceret kop, da den skaber fundamentet for bryggeprocessen.
Trin 3: Opbygning af brygget
Dette trin handler om at kontrollere bryggetiden og sikre, at kaffen interagerer jævnt med vandet.
Vigtige tips:
- Undgå at lade kaffen tørre ud i filteret mellem hældningerne—det kan føre til ujævn ekstraktion.
- På den anden side, undgå at hælde så meget vand, at du skaber en “svømmepøl” oven på kaffelaget.
Målet er at opretholde et jævnt og stabilt flow af vand gennem kaffebønnerne, så kontakttiden bliver ensartet for en balanceret ekstraktion.
Nyttigt tip: Kaffen skal “løbe igennem” jævnt—hverken for hurtigt eller for langsomt. Balancen her er nøglen til at få de bedste smagsnuancer frem.
Eksperimentér og find inspiration
Hver kaffe er unik, og det samme gælder din bryggeoplevelse. Prøv at eksperimentere med følgende for at forfine dit bryg:
- Justér hældehastighed og mønster (cirkulært, spiral eller centreret hældning).
- Leg med forskellige kværningsgrader for at se, hvordan det påvirker flowet og ekstraktionen.
For yderligere vejledning kan du kigge på detaljerede bryggeguider til din valgte bryggemetode på min youtube kanal og med Decemberdripper