Kaffe abonnement på 12x500g kaffe

2.500 kr


12 fantastiske kaffer sendt direkte til dig fra forskellige lande med forskellige smagsnuancer. Som bliver sendt den første uge i hver måned.

“én oplagt mulighed for at smage så mange forskellige varianter, fra hele verden” – hver og enkelt, hvor du kan smage den stedslige karakteristika


Du kan vælge mellem Espresso eller Sort kaffe.

Der er lagt et fragt gebyr på 11 x fragt på denne ordre. Og en engangs fragt gebyr på DKK 50,- 

Du har også mulighed for at købe abonnementet i butikken, og hente kaffen der. 

Pls note our coffee subscription is for shipment in DK and not internationally. If you want it shipped Internationally pls drop me an email and I will inform you about the prices.

As a general rule you should dial in your espresso using a scale. The first three shots is normally indicating your espresso flow and the appearance of how well your espresso flow/brew.

Your first indicator should be the first drop appearing after activating starting the water flow (pump/bottom).

I recommend the first drop to appear approx. at 8-10 sec. In that way your espressoshot will brew as long a 26-31 sec. if it appears before 6 sec. I will recommend you should grind finer and vise versa if the first drop appears too late/after 11 sec or more.
This extraction will give you a more ristrettoét espresso and more intens.

Dose 21 g dobb shot
Extraction time 27-29 sek
Liguid mass 38 g.
Extraction rate  21/38= 0,55%

The dose is calculated using a 20g porta filter min. dose 19g/ max. dose 21 g. pr double espresso.

This coffee is ideal to brew on Siphon, Chemex, Hario, Stagg fellow and December dripper Brew/ratio mass depends on how you pour the water, the weight of your coffee and the length of your brew. I like to recommend that you try to use different pouring techniques. So you will find out what will suit you and the coffee you have in your hands.

Step 1

Prefinfusion = Using water to wet the coffee, so the particle can absorb water, giving access to flavour and aromas. As a rule when you use less coffee, less water is used to preinfusion. "just enough to cover the coffee in the filter".

Step 2

Blooming = this is where the coffee particles is expanding, as any cellular products, giving access to transform the coffee attributes in to flavours and aromas. As a genius = less coffee/shorter blooming time. More Coffee/longer blooming time = that make sense right? Ie. 33 g of coffee = 30 sec blooming time. 60 g of coffee = 50-60 sec blooming time.

Step 3

Building up your coffee in the filter = you coffee brewing times length and letting you coffee steep in the filter. Coffee needs to be handled firm and homogenises.

Ie. Dont let your coffee set/sit or "dry out in the filter" when you pour the water in your coffee filter. Vise versa, you have to be careful, that you don't pour too much water, so you create a "swimming pool" on top of the coffee in the filter. The coffee should have a smooth "run through" contact time with water. You can find inspiration on brew guides