Welcome to my universe of coffee. I am 8 times Danish Barista Champion
Each year Sprudge.com honor leaders in the global coffee community in partnership with Pacific Barista Series. Pacific Barista Series is dedicated to championing leadership and excellence in the coffee industry and to supporting coffee culture as it happens worldwide.
In 2023, I was rewarded in the top Twenty Class
Most of our coffees we handle and sell in our shop & webshop are grown in natural reserve conditions, without any use of fertilizer.
We dont question the price for the work we do with our farmers, as they do their very best to maintain the Natural Bio Climate preserving the natural flavours in each of the coffee we purchase directly from the farm.
We develop our coffees and fermentation techniques directly with the farmer - as well as we take pride in facilitating our way we process our coffees in our coffee bar.
Coffee is a feast of flavors where even the simplest gently waft can change the taste of one coffee cherry to another.
We try to be honest with the coffees we purchase. No nonsens or illusionary stories - only qualities that makes it delightful to roast, to brew and to enjoy.
I hope you will feel inspired when logging on to our website. Our film, our coffees, our archive with brew methods, stories from our farms and our vision with coffee.
Søren Stiller Markussen