#56 El Salvador

Direct Relationship, Santa Petrona
Experimental lot, Bourbon
Sweet caramel. Elderflower. White flower
På mit besøg hos Pacas familien i starten af Januar, 2024 gik jeg igang med endnu et projekt.
Jeg har tidligere haft succes med at lave anaerobe fermentering uden kaffen får for meget eddike syre - men derimod løftet karakteren af varieteten.
Selve fermeneringen har undergået en "thermo shock" dvs. at den i x antal timer har været tilsat varmt vand under fermenteringen for at åbne porerne og give adgang til pulpen fra en anden Bourbon fermentering. Det efterlader en fantastisk syrlighed i kaffen som stadig er ret mild, men fremtræden.
Variety | 100 % Arabica Bourbon |
Processing | Thermo shock |
Land/Region | El Salvador/ Santa Petrona |
Farmer | Federico Pacas & Søren Stiller |
Altitude | 1400-1500 masl |
Cupping Score | 89 |
Roast Master, Quality cupper & Barista | Søren Stiller Markussen. |
As a general rule you should dial in your espresso using a scale. The first three shots is normally indicating your espresso flow and the appearance of how well your espresso flow/brew.
Your first indicator should be the first drop appearing after activating starting the water flow (pump/bottom).
I recommend the first drop to appear approx. at 8-10 sec. In that way your espressoshot will brew as long a 26-31 sec. if it appears before 6 sec. I will recommend you should grind finer and vise versa if the first drop appears too late/after 11 sec or more.
This extraction will give you a more ristrettoét espresso and more intens.
Dose | 21 g dobb shot |
Extraction time | 27-29 sek |
Liguid mass | 38 g. |
Extraction rate | 21/38= 0,55% |
The dose is calculated using a 20g porta filter min. dose 19g/ max. dose 21 g. pr double espresso.